Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Week 1

Let me tell you about my first week in the beautiful land of México.
Wednesday night was really just unpacking and getting to know the campus. Thursday is when the real fun started. Early morning, awesome food, class, orientation. It was actually like the longest day of my life. I was tired of sitting. Friday was so much better. So of course, everything is in spanish here, including class. Try learning spanish while being taught in spanish, that makes it come pretty quick. I love it though, I really wouldn't have it any other way. I'm sorry I didn't call in Dallas, by the way, I couldn't find a payphone. Anyways, three of the elders I flew to Mexico with are in my district. They are so young..and immature..but I love them anyways. I was put in a threesome as I stated before, but I was actually switched around a bit. So, apparently, I was put in the intermediate spanish class and this guy came into class Friday morning and said "Hermana Homer, Hermana Gates, Elder Backus, y Elder Banegas, come with me." In a matter of 10 minutes, I had a new class, new compañera, new district and new apartment. On my second day. I was a little shocked. Of course the Lord knows what he's doing and this change has been the best thing for me. I absolutely LOVE my companion. She is so amazing. We just compliment each other and can work together so easily. I know it won't always be like this so I'm really grateful that I get this experience in the CCM at least. Her nombre es Hermana Gates and she is from St.George, Utah. She will serve in Riverside, CA. She just graduated this past May, but we get along great. 

So Friday, I taught my first investigator - in Spanish. I cannot even begin to express how real the gift of tongues is. I'm so grateful for it. It was a little rocky at first. His name is José. We have taught him 3 times now and just yesterday committed him to baptism and to read el Libro de Mormón. With each lesson, we got better and better. Yesterday, was probably the best lesson we've given. I felt like I was on fire as I testified that I knew the Book of Mormon was true and that I wanted him to know the same - in spanish. Something about that language just makes me so excited to teach. He is really just a teacher here, not a real investigator, but man it sure felt like it was real. The spirit was there and all of a sudden, I was speaking spanish and teaching about the restoration and preisthood, like how does that happen?? It was the most spiritual experience I've had yet. I love my class. There are 8 elders and just me and my companion in my class - and district. We felt like we weren't really clicking with them at first, so I suggested to mi compañera that we write them a note expressing how glad we were to be in the same district and we added Ether 12:27 on the back to give them some encouragement for learning the language. It never seizes to amaze me how much service can make you feel better. They wrote us the sweetest letter back which really helped us to love them and get to know them better. Hermana Gates and I are all about studying and working really hard, whereas they are frustrated with the language so they give up and goof off. We're trying to teach them to be better...
My teacher's name is Hermano Sanchez. He is the nicest man I've ever met. He gives me so much confidence. Just yesterday (yesterday was a good day) he said that I made him proud to be a teacher and that if I kept up the hard work, I would leave the CCM in 5 weeks with perfect Spanish. That's a pretty amazing promise, ya? I'm determined to see it fulfilled.
It's really fun to have a companion so close to the spirit. We literally live our daily lives by inspiration. One of us will have a thought as to what we should study next, so we do it and it ends up helping us in the lesson with José. I love how that works. 

I just really love it here. México already has my heart. Campus is so beautiful. The town is literally built up the mountain. From the window in my classroom I can look out and see these huge palm trees with mountains in the background and these colorful buildings all of the mountain side. I've never seen anything like it before. Night time is gorgeous too. That is one thing I love about the CCM, we have so much room to move around! We have a whole campus and the grounds are beautiful. There are hispanic workers everywhere. They only speak Spanish, so we use them a lot when we need to find 10 people to bear our testimonies to, they are so patient. I would get tired of hearing the same thing from teenagers with broken spanish. haha. They are so nice though.

The food is great, actually! They have the best corn tortillas and pineapple. That's my favorite. It's good mexican food. 
We got to watch a movie on Sunday night - the Joseph Smith movie. It was so weird to watch a movie, but I really enjoyed it. We've had amazing speakers as well. We had a devotional on Sunday and Pres. Allen spoke. He is the Director of the missionary department as well as a 70. He was also the previous mission president for the best mission every - Tempe, Arizona! How awesome is that. His talk was just phenomenal and really pumped me up to keep going. I acutally haven't met one other missionary that is going to my mission. They are going to all the missions around Tempe, but not actually my misson. I guess I´m just special. 

Sorry for the novel here, I just had so much I wanted to tell all of you. I really haven't been that homesick this week. There were two days that I was slightly discouraged because of the language, but there was always something or someone to pick me up. I've never been happier, and I love Spanish and the hispanic people. 

Yo sé que Jesucristo es el Salvador del mundo, y que podemos ser liberados del pecado mediante su expiación. Yo sé que tenemos un Padre Celestial y que Dios los ama. Yo sé que familias son eternidad. Yo sé que José Smith fue un profeta y que Thomas S. Monson es un profeta hoy. Yo sé que el Libro de Mormón es verdadero y que las escrituras son la palabra de Dios. Yo sé que este iglesia is verdadero, tambien. En el nombre de Jesucristo, Amen.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Hola from Mexico!

So, I have safely made it to Mexico! What a journey. The flight it self was pretty uneventful, but I did meet up with other missionaries in Dallas. They are great. There were 4 elders and 3 sisters, counting me. Two were heading to Dallas, two to Cali, two to Chile, one to New York, and then me to Arizona. It was an interesting experience to go through customs and immigration but I made it through with no problems. We all thought we were going to die on the bus ride to the MTC. There were dogs standing on the edge of the roof, men showering on the roof, people walking through the streets selling things, cars almost plunging into you. We had some good laughs. We learned quickly to keep our eyes averted as there are horrible billboards everywhere you turn. As soon as I  made it through customs I saw the sign for the CCM Mexico and right away no one spoke English. haha. I had to tell the immigration worker that checked me "No hable espanol." I felt pretty cool, not gonna lie. It is beautiful here, in its own way. I finally got my name tag! Woot! I feel so official. I am also the oldest person in  my group...everyone else just turned 18 or 19...whoops. I feel young at the same time just because I`m so green. Apparently I will be living in a house and I traveled to the MTC with one of my companions. Her name is Hermana Clegg. She´s from New Jersey, and yes, I talked to her in my "Jersey accent." She laughed, but I don't think she appreciated it. I also have another companion that I haven´t met yet named Hermana Gates. I´m excited to meet her. I´m also typing on a Spanish keyboard and its really weird. I can´t find any of the normal symbols. I am definitely immersed in the language.
Well that´s about all I have to say for now. I love you all so much!